Friday, March 25, 2016

2nd Amendment Perversion

The following letter appeared in the "Letters to the Editor" section of the San Luis Obispo Tribune on March 8, 2016. The letter more or less represents my feelings on the subject.

Liberals don’t hate the Second Amendment; they just hate the perversion of it

A recent letter asserted that liberals hate the Second Amendment (“Joetopia’s liberal drivel on guns,” Feb. 5). Liberals don’t hate the Second Amendment. We hate how it has been perverted by the diseased minds at the National Rifle Association and its legion of stooges.

We hate the orgy of firearms forced on our nation by the obsessed fetishists of the gun culture. We hate unending gun violence and senseless murders, particularly of children.

We hate the oft-repeated lie that regulating guns won’t work, when the experiences of Canada, Britain and Australia contradict this lie.

We hate the absurd fallacy that more guns make us safer when the fact is that Americans are 25 times more likely to be murdered by a firearm than a citizen of any other developed nation.

We hate that we must organize our entire society to accommodate the unceasing lust for guns with armed security everywhere.

Finally, we hate that our other rights are subservient to this Second Amendment perversion, infringing our rights to peaceably assemble and exercise free speech (not to mention the loss of liberty through violent death).

So, no, liberals don’t hate the Second Amendment. We hate what the right has done to it and the catastrophe it is for our nation.


Original posting here.

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