Thursday, January 16, 2025


16 January 2024

As we approach Inauguration Day and the expected dismantling of America, I just want to remind you all of Trump's essential character: he is corrupt and dirty, like a mob boss. He acts always and only in his own personal best interests; he lies, cheats, steals and grifts at every opportunity; his word (and, by extension, that of the US Government) means nothing; he has no interest in anything but his own publicity-standing and power.

Everything and everyone that Trump touches is dirty, like him. There are no qualifications for any Trump appointment except loyalty to Trump. His henchmen and yes-men are prepared to begin the dismantling of 250 years of American political traditions and institutions, and their only objectives are to (a) figure out ways to implement Trump's wishes, regardless of how bizarre or unconstitutional or unAmerican they may be, and (b) flatter Trump's ego by telling him how great and smart he is.

We, the people of America and the world, are in for some terrible times. 

On the other hand, at least according to Thomas Jefferson, "The government you elect is the government you deserve."

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