Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Enid, Oklahoma, News and Eagle

Dear News & Eagle--

I'm one of those coastal liberal elites you may have heard about, and I just read the article in the NYT about the price you have paid--and are paying--for your endorsement of Ms. Clinton for President.

I've seen several such stories over the past few months--not necessarily of citizen retribution for an unpopular editorial, but of a newspaper taking a principled and bound-to-be-costly stand for a position that seemed right/best to the editors. The Arizona Republic comes to mind.

The fact that you endorsed my candidate makes me, of course, a little less than objective, and I can't claim that I would be as sympathetic or appreciative of a newspaper in Massachusetts or California that had endorsed Trump. On the other hand, Ms. Clinton is not a misogynistic, nationalistic, lying racist pig.

So my point here is that I would like to support your fairly courageous stand by subscribing to the digital edition of your paper. Unfortunately, the ridiculous price of $18.99 a month makes that not possible. Are you aware that a subscription to the New York Times costs approximately $16 a month?

I would like to pay you $10 a month--and I'll send a check, not use a credit card or bank account debit--and you can provide me with whatever level of subscription/access you wish. Can you be a little flexible here?

My motivation is simply this: I want to help keep you in business so the good people of Enid and the surrounding area have at least one source of news that is practicing journalistic integrity. Taking a principled stand that clearly is against your own financial interests shows that you're trying to be that source of news, and you have my respect for that effort.

Ty Griffin
San Luis Obispo, California

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