Saturday, December 3, 2016


I came across an article called "The 10 Dumbest States in America." Link below. It says: "This is a list of the "smartest" and "dumbest" states in the country based on the percentage of the population with at least a bachelor's degree."

Of course, college degrees do not directly correlate to intelligence. But they're a reasonable proxy.

I'm not sure of the publication date of the article. Possibly July 2014.

State and 2016 Presidential Pick

10 Tennessee      Trump
09 Oklahoma       Trump
08 Indiana        Trump
07 Alabama        Trump
06 Kentucky       Trump
05 Louisiana      Trump
04 Nevada         Clinton
03 Arkansas       Trump
02 Mississippi    Trump
01 West Virginia  Trump

10 Minnesota      Clinton
09 New York       Clinton
08 New Hampshire  Clinton
07 Vermont        Clinton
06 Virginia       Clinton
05 New Jersey     Clinton
04 Connecticut    Clinton
03 Maryland       Clinton
02 Colorado       Clinton
01 Massachusetts  Clinton

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