Friday, December 16, 2016

About Time

Here's an article on the potential of Donald Trump actually damaging the fabric or structure of what we call America.

And to that I will add two points:

1. Donald Trump is a catalyst and a symptom of a huge problem in America and American politics, but he is not the actual problem. He is merely the best and most effective representative the Republicans have been able to find to implement, enforce and propagate the principles of the modern Republican Party.

Trump is merely a Republican. He is doing and enabling what the leaders of the Republican Party--McConnell, Ryan, Christie, the Koch brothers, Sheldon Adelson, the Heritage Institute, Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes--want to achieve. Trump is the culmination of a 30-year-plus process that began with Reagan and is reaching its pinnacle of success with Trump's election.

It's not Trump that is the problem. It's modern Republicanism.

2. I started this blog, very explicitly and precisely named "Americrisis," in 2002, because it was clear to me then that the "fabric or structure of what we call America" was in jeopardy and/or under attack.

Though I take no satisfaction in the damage and destruction that has happened thus far and which looks likely to accelerate, I'm at least glad that it has finally occurred to some in the mainstream media that we may be in some deep trouble and that it may bear reporting--a mere fourteen years after I started recording my fears and observations and commentary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[Trump] is merely the best and most effective representative the Republicans have been able to find to implement [their] principles.

THIS. A thousand times this.