Saturday, August 20, 2016

Understanding Republicans

And an excellent comment seen on Facebook from a fellow named Dave Patrick:
He just pisses in their faces without even the courtesy of calling it rain. In response, his little trumpers worship him as the "god emperor" and expect if he is elected, their feelings will become facts, and the actual facts, will just go away.


1 comment:

jb3 said...

This is brilliant.

That said, and in all seriousness, I'm not sure it's mostly that the voters truly don't care, as much as they see this as the most perfect, quintessential opportunity - and one they won't likely ever have again in this lifetime - to scream two words and show one finger to the entire corrupt, rotten infrastructure of The System that wipes itself with them to benefit the precious few at the top. I don't know many Trump supporters, but the few I do know will be voting for him for the same reason so many Brits voted for Brexit: as a massive "F#@% you and the system you rode in on." Some of them really believe we'd be better off in a pile of ashes than continuing the charade, because at least they can always hope for a phoenix to rise from the ashes.